Aditya College of Engineering & Technology


  • The central library is well equipped with all the World class facilities and latest technology to disseminate information, Render speedy, efficient and excellent services to the user community.

  • In view of the growing importance of automation the central library purchased library software to provide effective services to the users in Library operations like Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation and Serial Control have been automated using the ECAP software. All the books are bar-coded, Log-in automated with gate scanners and Library works under CC Camera Surveillance.

  • Aditya College of Engineering and Technology Central Library established in 2004 with 1250sq.mts of plinth area, as a total number of 63947 Volumes, 10243 Titles, 2477 National International Journals & e-journals, 65 Technical Magazines, 828 Back Volumes, 1106 Project Reports and 4,500 Videos Lectures at present.

  • S.No Branch No. of Books No. of Journals
    No. of Titles No. of Volumes National International e-Journals
    1 Civil Engineering 917 5328 6 2 195
    2 Electrical & Electronics Engineering 1018 10124 6 2 210
    3 Mechanical Engineering 1059 7416 6 2 205
    4 Electronics & Communication Engineering 1821 12886 6 2 265
    5 Computer Science and Engineering 1825 11027 6 2 240
    6 Computer Science & Engineering (AI & ML) 835 3520 3 2 250
    7 Computer Science and Engineering (DS) 548 2421 3 1 210
    8 Information Technology 637 4124 4 2 264
    9 CSE-IOT 123 782 3 1 215
    10 MCA 610 3028 2 1 172
    11 MBA 850 3291 2 2 184
    Total 10243 63947 47 20 2410