The admission committee plays a major role in the admission process of the students. The Principal is the Chairman, Dean, the Head of the departments and other faculty are the members of the committee. The committee’s objective is to strengthen the admission of the Engineering programs with quality students in the institute. They actively serve to reach the stakeholders i.e., students and parents, counseling about the Common Entrance Test (CET) guidelines of admission selection process and facilities in the college.
Admission committee strives for smooth and efficient admission process in various UG and PG programs. Admission committee works towards ensuring that all candidates who take admission have faith and confidence in the institute. It also makes sure that the committee members play their role effectively within and outside of the institution. The committee meets once in a year to review the admissions in various programs.
- Minutes of the meeting are recorded.
- The committee sees that the latest rules and regulations of the government and APSCHE are updated in the college website
- The committee guides parents and candidates during and after web counseling.